Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pregnancy Questionnaire


How far along? 
Just about 38 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss:

A total of 35 pounds so far -whoops!
Maternity clothes? 
Yes, I love maternity cloths. Stretchy everything please!
Stretch marks?

Just a few new ones, to add to my old ones :/

Im starting to have a little insomnia these past few nights. But I sleep when I can, and Karson has so graciously been sleeping in every morning till 8/8:30, which helps a lot!
Best moment this week: 

Finding out I tested negative for the Group B Strep test. (I was positive with Karson) Now I don't have to worry about fighting with anyone about the antibiotics because I refused to take them again! I had a horrible experience with them last time.

He is pretty mellow! He is more of a roller then a puncher :) Totally different then Karson.
Food cravings: 

Banana bread! Hot cocoa! Goat cheese! 
Anything making you queasy or sick:
I can smell everything... so some smells gross me out a little especially other peoples smells, ha. Weird I know.
Gender prediction: 
We already know it is a boy!
Labor Signs: 

Yes, I get night labor (wakes me up and then fades out by the morning) Preparing my cervix!
Belly Button in or out? 

It's out!
Wedding rings on or off? 

On, I don't have any swelling except occasionally in my feet and legs.
Happy or Moody most of the time:

Happy and Moody evenly! Im probably more moody being pregnant then when Im not though.
Weekly Wisdom:

Trying to enjoy my belly (because it will be my last!) Taking in all of Karson (he won't be the only little man in my life much longer) Enjoying being a family of 3 for the last time! Enjoying in indulging in the high calorie foods :) 

Considered full term, so if I deliver all will be well!

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