Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Saturday, Parker!

Parker Gene Owens
born at 9:45 pm on August 16th, 2014
8 pounds 2 ounces; 21.5 inches long

//birth story//

Let me start by saying we like to think Karson knew the day Parker would be born. Last Sunday we had asked Karson when Parker would be here and usually he says "later" but Sunday he said "Saturday!" and then sure enough Saturday I was in labor and we asked him again when Parker was going to come and he said "Today!" and then followed with "Happy Saturday, Parker!" Wether he actually knew or it was just luck... we still think it is so funny!

SO... Friday night I was feeling really anxious and I was in a weird mood overall. I went to dinner and was having braxton hicks contractions (painless hardening of my belly) and went to bed late that night around 12:30am.  I woke up at about 3:30 with what felt like contractions, but I still wasn't sure because I had been having night labor for the past 3 weeks! So kept calm about it and tried to sleep. 

That morning we just kept in mellow and went out to breakfast and ran some errands. One of those errands being buying a new phone because Karson had broke mine that morning!
Around 1:30 I went to the restroom and lost my mucus plug. I officially got excited because then I knew I was in labor.  

Around 4pm my contractions started getting painful enough where I wasn't able to talk through them, but I was still in good spirits... talking and laughing in between them. My contractions at that time were about 7 minutes apart and only lasting 40-55 seconds. Around 6:30pm I let my doula know that my contractions were now 4 minutes apart but still only lasting 40-60 seconds and I was thinking of heading to the hospital since my doctor said to come when they were 5 minutes apart lasting at least a minute long. The original plan was she was going to meet me at the hospital, but she decided to come to the house and see if we should leave or not. (I didn't want to go to the hospital too early!) 

Once she got there around 7pm we maneuvered around the house doing different things trying to get my contractions to last longer (the theory being that they weren't lasting long enough and I probably wasn't dilated very much). Meanwhile my dad and brother and husband hung out and watched football. My contractions were pretty painful at that time, and I switched from smiling and talking between contractions to just silence and nervousness. I was laying on my bed when I decided it was either we leave now for the hospital or I wasn't going to be going anywhere... So we headed to the hospital at about 8:45! 

Richard and I got in my car, my doula in hers, and my mom and grandma in another and we all left to Pomerado Hospital in Poway (about 45 minutes from our house). As soon as I sat down in the car my labor shifted into gear and all of a sudden my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart. I wasn't freaking out at first, but then I started having "pushing contractions" and we were still in Temecula! I tried to keep it calm, but eventually told  Richie about 15 miles from home that I was having pushing contractions and I couldn't stop and then my water broke. So my poor husband started to panic and went from driving the speed limit to driving 90plus MPH. Over the phone my doula told me to breath fast and short during my contractions to help stop my pushing... which I did and it helped! 

We pulled up to the hospital at about 9:15. They wheel chaired up to my room right away and the nurses did an exam.... telling me I was only 6cm! I remember thinking NO WAY and panicked a little! I had to be 10cm! It didn't make sense to me and I felt so scared! So everyone was trying to get things together since they thought they had time... my husband left to park the car, my doula left to go get her birthing things, and my mom and grandma were still not in the room yet. At some point my husband and my mom and grandma were back in the room and I remember telling the nurse I was pushing. She told me not to because I wasn't dilated enough and would swell my cervix. --- WHATEVER lady! I kept letting my body push because I had no choice! Next thing I know I was yelling that his head was out, and my nurse came over to lift the sheet to see that YEP his head was coming out! Within the next 4 pushes Parker was out! My Doctor didn't make the labor, and my doula still hadn't made it back up to the room! 

They put Parker on my chest right away, cord still attached and placenta undelivered. 
My doula walked into the room a few minutes later and SURPRISE! Parker was born, haha. Her face was priceless. About a half hour after the birth Richard cut the cord and Parker started nursing. <3
An hour and half or so later, Parker was weighed and then the family got to hold him.

My labor was from 3:30am-9:45pm... 18 hours long! It honestly went so quickly, and SO much better then Karson's birth! (Beside the fact of almost giving birth in the car haha)

The next morning Karson came to meet Parker! 

It was so sweet to see them meet for the first time.  Im still not sure what Karson thinks of Parker, but he was sweet to him... giving him his cars and touching his hair :)

We were released from the hospital around 3pm the next day! And I was so happy to be headed home!

Overall, I was able to have another successful natural birth. Thank you Lord for keeping Parker and I healthy and safe! ... Until next time! ...juuuust kiddding!


  1. We want #3!!!!!!!!!

  2. Awesome Bre! Can't wait to meet him tomorrow!!! Jase
